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120 lines
; *
; * File : VESA.H
; *
; * Description : Vesa header for VESA 2.00
; *
; * Copyright (C) 1995,96 RealTech
; *
; ************************************************************************/
#ifndef _SUPERVGA
#define _SUPERVGA
#define LfbMapRealPointer(p) (void*)(((unsigned)(p)>>12)+((p) & 0xFFFF))
#define RGBMask(r,g,b) \
( ( (r)>>(8-modebuf.RedMaskSize )) << modebuf.RedFieldPosition )\
+ ( ((g)>>(8-modebuf.GreenMaskSize)) << modebuf.GreenFieldPosition )\
+ ( ((b)>>(8-modebuf.BlueMaskSize )) << modebuf.BlueFieldPosition )
enum {VESACAPA_WideDac=1,VESACAPA_VgaComp=2,VESA_CAPA_Ramdac=4};
enum {VESA_320x200=0x153,VESA_360x200 =0x156,VESA_320x240 =0x154,
VESA_360x240=0x157,VESA_320x400 =0x155,VESA_360x400 =0x158,
VESA_640x350=0x11C,VESA_640x400 =0x100,VESA_640x480 =0x101,
enum {VBE_flip,VBE_copy};
typedef struct {
short int ModeAttributes;
unsigned char WinAAttributes;
unsigned char WinBAttributes;
short int WinGranularity;
short int WinSize;
short int WinASegment;
short int WinBSegment;
long int WinFuncPtr;
short int BytesPerLine;
short int XResolution; // horizontal resolution
short int YResolution ; // vertical resolution
unsigned char XCharSize; // character cell width
unsigned char YCharSize ; // character cell height
unsigned char NumberOfPlanes; // number of memory planes
unsigned char BitsPerPixel ; // bits per pixel
unsigned char NumberOfBanks; // number of banks
unsigned char MemoryModel ; // memory model type
unsigned char BankSize ; // bank size in kb
unsigned char NumberOfImagePages; // number of images
unsigned char Res1 ; // reserved for page function
unsigned char RedMaskSize ; // size of direct color red mask in bits
unsigned char RedFieldPosition ; // bit position of LSB of red mask
unsigned char GreenMaskSize ; // size of direct color green mask in bits
unsigned char GreenFieldPosition ; // bit position of LSB of green mask
unsigned char BlueMaskSize ; // size of direct color blue mask in bits
unsigned char BlueFieldPosition ; // bit position of LSB of blue mask
unsigned char RsvdMaskSize ; // size of direct color reserved mask in bits
unsigned char RsvdFieldPosition ; // size of direct color reserved mask in bits
unsigned char DirectColorModeInfo; // Direct Color mode attributes
long PhysBasePtr; // Physical Address for linear buffer
long OffScreenMemOffset;
short OffScreenMemSize;
char res2[206];
typedef struct {
char VESASignature[4]; // 4 signature bytes
short int VESAVersion; // VESA version number
char *OEMStringPtr; // Pointer to OEM string
unsigned char Capabilities[4]; // capabilities of the video environment
void *VideoModePtr; // pointer to supported Super VGA modes
short int memory; // Number of 64kb memory blocks on board
short OemSoftwareRev;
long OemVendorNamePtr;
long OemProductNamePtr;
long OemProductRevPtr;
char Reserved[222];
char OemDATA [256];
typedef struct {
uchar *Video;
uchar bankshift;
uchar videocard;
uchar Linear;
uchar Policy;
uchar Page;
uchar Card;
uchar LFB_actived;
uchar DAC8bit;
ulong offset;
char *CardName;
short selector;
char FAR48 *LFBPtr;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int VBE_get_LFB_infos(void);
int VBE_set_gfx_mode(int VESAmode);
int VBE_set_vesa_mode(int VESAmode);
int VBE_get_infos(int VESAmode);
int VBE_get_mode_by_infos(int width,int height,int bbp);
int VBE_set_mode(int mode);
int VBE_get_OEM_infos(void);
int VBE_set_vesa_mode(int VESAmode);
bool VBE_set8BitPalette(void);
bool VBE_set6BitPalette(void);
void CALLING_C VBE_set_palette(ulong a, ulong b, void * pal);
void VBE_get_palette(int start, int num, uchar *palbuf);
void CALLING_C BITBLT_xflipVESA(void);
void VBE_set_scanline_length(long newcx);
void VBE_set_offset(long x,long y);
extern VesaInfoBlock vesabuf;
extern VesaModeInfo modebuf;
extern VesaSystem VESA;
#ifdef __cplusplus